unilogos Review
Posted Sun 5th Jun 2016 Updated Sun 19th Mar 2019
Liverpool Hope University

The new logo is a departure from the curious previous logo - back to the safer ground of a crest. In this case, no taking of elements as is so common, but a wholesale inclusion. The crest is reasonably drawn, but I can’t help feeling that there’s way too much detail. The text stays as it was, in a Eurostyle-a-like sans serif that adds to a sparse overall feelnew - a bit of variety in the strokes of that type would’ve been nice.
Old Review
The wikipedia page says this is the only eucumenical university in Europe, which I guess is the reason for the curious shining star in the logo. The decision to have a shining star then necessitates it being reversed out of the background, thus leading to the whole thing feeling like a label. Weirdly, the inclusion of the establishment date only adds to the effect - like the faux tradition one sees on t-shirts.
Case Study about the logo from design agency
Tagged : North West , Red , Cathederals Group , Sans-serif , Crest , Animal
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