unilogos Review
Posted Sat 2nd Jul 2016 Updated Sat 20th Mar 2019 approx. 1 min read
London South Bank University

Evolution for LSBU - another day, another crest. The onward march to the day where every University has a crest and it’s name as a logo. Despite a few hold outs of wierd shapes and/or straight up typography it seems that day is coming. Maybe one day OfS will just mandate it and we can all rest easy.
This works well with the existing type, though the crest is rather busy. Ends up functioning like a semi-abstract doodle. In strange reversal of usual logo lore it looks like it’d be less interesting the larger it gets.
Old Review
I recently looked at the logo for London Met and that was some simple text, emphasising what most London universities do, the location, but it used a generic graphic mark to support the strong type. This effort from London South Bank decides to have just the type do the job of representing the institution. The modern slab serif is strong but a little undermined by the sans-serif ‘University’.
With this approach there’s not a lot to go wrong, and it avoids the possibility of a graphic going out of fashion, but I can’t help wondering if more might have been better.
Tagged : London , Serif , Monocolour , Crest
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