unilogos Review

Posted Wed 27th Jan 2016

St George's, University of London

sgul logo

A simple and literal logo for St George’s University. The knight on his charger is simple and dynamic without being especially interesting. Perhaps some more abstraction or attention to some wider logo shapes might have avoided the feeling of the text being plonked there.

The brief identity guidelines mention Franklin Gothic as the corporate typeface, but that’s not what is in the logo. Something I can’t identify with some odd egg shaped ‘e’s and a pretty ugly lower case ‘r’. It ends up being neither a angular contrast or an echo of the illustration curves.

I would have liked more solidity to contrast the lightness of the picture, and the whole construction seems inconsequential. I can’t imagine that’s what they were going for.

Tagged : London , Blue , Animal , Sans-serif

Read the Wikipedia entry Visit website
