Weeknotes Season 1 Episode 18
Posted Mon 14th Jul 2014
Wireframes to HTML
Finally started in earnest on translating wireframes into real HTML components for use on the new website, along with the accompanying CSS and Javascript. It feels a combination of excitement and stress - glad to get started and hopeful that progress will be swift.
The first component that I started with (for no particular reason) was and events listing page, where I’ve tried to make the list simple and visually appealing. I’m reasonably happy but when showing the work to people I’m trying to explain some of the ideas and approaches that I tried and didn’t work. That way, people will hopefully understand how the design got to where it is, and people can see how they can be involved in improving it.
Also started on the challenge of designing lots of variable length lists of courses that need to be all together but easy to browse through.