Port80 2016 James Cryer Sketchnotes
James Cryer - 12 weeks, 600 releases and the One Show - Continuous Delivery with BBC Weather Watchers
Port80 2016 Gavin Evans Sketchnotes
Gavin Evans - Designing accessible web and mobile sites
Port80 2016 Gavin Davies Sketchnotes
Gavin Davies - Using Build Tools
Port80 2016 Fred Heath Sketchnotes
Fred Heath - The uncertainty principle: How to manage fast-moving projects,clients and requirements.
Port80 2016 Ashley Nolan Sketchnotes
Ashley Nolan - Developing for the unknown
Port80 2016 Andy Clarke Sketchnotes
Andy Clarke - Imaginative grid systems
Port80 2016 Helen Clark Sketchnotes
Helen Clark - Designing better websites by including clients and their customers from the start
How to Connect with Nature
Really enjoyable little book that encouraged me to get out and about more and also how to think more.
Bara Brith Open Data Event
Enjoyed getting out and about on a school night to learn some more about open data and really enjoyed the talks with a little networking for good measure.
World Sketchnote Day 2016
As it’s World Sketchnote Day 2016 tomorrow, I couldn’t let it go by un-mentioned. Looks like it will be a day full of enthusiasm and evangelism for sketchnoting.
The Ghost Road
Impressively written and evocative book about WW1 and the two protagonists approaches to the horrors.
The Psychopath Test
I needed a book for my long train journey back from the excellent as usual IWMW, so popped into the charity shop and came up with ‘The Psychopath Test’ by Jon Ronson. I really enjoyed the ensuing 5 hours on the train, with an entertaining and interesting tour of mental illness, psychiatry, psychology and the media. Much more fun than it sounds.
Niall Lavery and Dan Babington - IWMW15
Some controversial opinons about the extent of treating our users as customers. I suspect that it might be the narcissism of small differences - can’t see anyone not agreeing that people deserve great services and experiences, maybe what we call the people shouldn’t be a banner to rally behind.
Michael Webb - IWMW15
Talking out some new ways that JISC is aiming to support the sector, Michael was especially keen on things as services - not really my area, but it was nice to have some more technical meaty stuff along with the strategising.
Charles Hardy - IWMW15
A bit of an eye opener, this session from Linkedin. The scale of it and the services it’s offering mean that Universities need to have better plans for how to react and maybe even embrace it.
Rob van Tol and Sam Sanders - IWMW15
One great point that resonated from this talk was - ‘stop copying each other’. Guilty as charged, but will try to be better.
Paul Boag - IWMW15
Digital isn’t an end in itself, but a way of reaching the main goal - which is great user experience.
Mike McConnell - IWMW15
Beautifully delivered explanation of Aberdeen’s efforts to be better by raconteur Mike McConnell. Really frank and engaging talk with tons to think about. I’ve a feeling I’ll banging on about this one for a while.
Mark Fendley - IWMW15
The clever people at University of Kent talked about how they very quickly built a tour app.
Claire Gibbons and Mandy Phillips - IWMW15
A ton of things to think about from this long session - hence the pages of notes.