Personal Website of Kevin Mears
Sketchnotes done live - usually at conferences.
My first ever IRMS conference. Was interesting....
Single day conference event run by WHELF...
A fast-moving panel session that could by...
I haven’t done sketchnotes for a while,...
Sketchnotes from an excellent session with Simon...
Sketches of first talk
The closing session of the conference.
No, You Don’t Need a Website!
How to train your content- so it...
What we Learnt from Rebuilding the University...
Grassroots & Guerrillas: The Beginnings of a...
The opening session of the conference.
I attended day two of JISC’s DigiFest...
ITIL Service design training - Lot of...
Training in Power BI. Some people seemed...
Training in ITIL. Lot of notes for...
One for the people in the audience...
Another case study about content. There was...
Big finish for the conference with a...
Another good exposition of real world work,...
Interesting perpectives on this panel. This conference...
I was looking forward to Gareth’s talk...
This tour around some great content really...
Andrew’s opening bit about the severe panic...
Chris and Jane’s talk about the use...
Alison’s talk was a great way to...
Tom’s talk was a showcase of some...
Overview of the thorny issue of creating...
A very different flavour of talk this...
One of the handy things about such...
Despite the slightly linkbait title, Piero managed...
Interesting range over ways in which universities...
Rich is always an engaging speaker, and...
This felt similar to the Cardiff talk...
Some of the team at Cardiff University...
I was looking forward to Gareth’s talk,...
Melanie’s talk was quite a departure from...
Probably my favourite talk of the whole...
Andrew talked a bit about the various...
Interesting opening around the particular effect of...
I’ve seen Ruth talk once before, when...
I am very much an IT salaryman...
Three very good talks about switching activities,...
Empathy. I liked Jack’s range around psychology...
Packed with useful and relevant info for...
Good reminder that efficiency isn’t the only...
A cracking way to spend a Saturday...
My first time of attending the Support...
It’s Time to Get Personal
When your website is a ‘national embarrassment’...
Right here; right now: providing the information...
Working With External Partners
Managing Change: Leading Horses to Water
100 to 1(ish) – Unifying a Sprawling...
Building a new university website – an...
The google analytics of things
Establishing Digital at the Heart of the...
Building a digital team (almost) from scratch...
Prototyping the digital university
Requirements Are Hypotheses: How Lean UX Can...
Skin Deep: Using Cosmetic Improvement to Drive...
Leadership 101 – top tips for steering...
Louise Howells - Why So Serious?
James Cryer - 12 weeks, 600 releases...
Gavin Evans - Designing accessible web and...
Gavin Davies - Using Build Tools
Fred Heath - The uncertainty principle: How...
Ashley Nolan - Developing for the unknown...
Andy Clarke - Imaginative grid systems
Helen Clark - Designing better websites by...
Enjoyed getting out and about on a...
Some controversial opinons about the extent of...
Talking out some new ways that JISC...
A bit of an eye opener, this...
One great point that resonated from this...
Digital isn’t an end in itself, but...
Beautifully delivered explanation of Aberdeen’s efforts to...
The clever people at University of Kent...
A ton of things to think about...
Brian’s welcome to the iwmw15 event, covering...
Richard always has very tasteful slides, and...
Fascinating talk by Mandy Phillips from Liverpool...
Really useful session in iBeacons, and similar...
Cable talked about how to move from...
A panel discussion around policy for OER...
Issues in creating and using video resources...
Policy development to support OER in Wales...
Open Government Partnership as a platform for...
Josie Fraser’s keynote was about the reality...
Sheila’s keynote was about ‘Openwashing’ and Open...
The cost of not going open! -...
Two short papers - OER in schools...
A short paper and two lightning talks....
Martin talked about how OER community need...
Sketchnotes from a ‘Process Improvement Training’ workshop....
Nice examples of product design illustrating user...
Loved the quote Treat servers like cattle...
Working at Bipsync Craig talked us through...
Benjy gave out some handy links too....
Enjoyed Austin’s storytelling approach, and the little...
Scott Jenson’s talk was an intriguing introduction...
Sally’s talk reminded us about our responsibilities...
I’ve seen Robin talk a few times...
Owen’s talk was a change of pace...
On reflection, a theme seemed to emerge...
The thing I enjoyed most from the...
It was a good finish to end...
I think Benjamin Hollway slightly scared everyone...
A really practical talk from Andy with...
Seb Lee Delisle was a very entertaining...
Phil Hawksworth did a lovely job with...
Nathan Ford did a nice job of...
Kier Whitaker set the context for the...
Emma Mulqueeny was a new name to...
Chris Murphy’s talk was a great way...
I was looking forward to seeing Anna...
Something different for Andy Clarke’s session where...
Helia lead a good discussion on web...
Gareth lead a discussion that touched on...
Dafydd lead a cool session puzzling over...
Bill Oates lead a discussion about public...
Good question and answer session at the...
Who knew that portals were still around?...
Into the nitty gritty of a big...
Very clever stuff about actually doing stuff...
Ross’ enjoyable and full talk.
Always great facts and opinions from SID,...
UX in universities - still a way...
Enjoyable root around university websites and look...
So what? as a useful tool.
Good call to make changes, and how...
Clever man doing clever things.
It really was a creative morning for...
Roy Tomeij : Make them click.
Nathan Ford : Mastering the dark art...
Matt Jukes : Lies, damned lies, and...
Louise Tierney : Put yourself in their...
Kimberley Tew : Accessibility for Humans.
Kevin Evans : These ARE the Droids...
Denise R Jacobs : Banish your inner...
Dan Donald : Designing Evolution
Interesting evening at localhost in Newport, with...
Syd did a brave thing - trying...
Mark started his take about with a...
For Ling and Eddie’s talks I was...
Long been fan of Jon Hicks lovely...
I’ve seen Jeremy speak twice before and...
Jeffrey Zeldman finished the day, and gave...
Eddie did an interesting roundup of the...
Brendan’s talk was a nice change of...
A late substitute to the speaker line...
I drew some sketchnotes at the Port80...
His personal journey to content strategy
A wide ranging talk about how to...
All about the contradictaory challenges unis face....
Dealing with the shock of the A...
Developers are people too. Almost.
Institutional culture is crippling your web strategy....
All about open data in the public...
A new take on how to do...
Pretty dry talk about Accessibility and the...
Adapting to Responsive Web Design
A welcome to the conference
Kyriaki talking all about MOOCs.
Really enjoyed this talk about open badges....
Steve and Hannah’s session on digital storytelling....
Cable Green talking about open education
How web teams and the like can...
Sketchnotes of Talk by Jack Franklin at...
Sketchnote of Talk by Paul Sophie Dennis...
Sketchnote of Talk by Paul Robert-Lloyd at...
Sketchnote of Talk by Robin Christopherson at...
Sketchnote of Talk by Benjy Stanton at...
Sketchnote of Talk by Andy Davies at...
Sketchnote of Talk by Rachel Shillcock at...
Sketchnote of Talk by Matt Andrews at...
I’ve collected the sketchnotes I did at...
Sketchnotes from eBooks presentation at the University...
What Do You Really Want?
Going Online - Do Universities Really Understand...
Data Visualisation: A Taster
Do I Need an App for That?...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:...
Beyond WCAG: Experiences in Implementing BS 8878...
Key Information Set Data
Experiences in User Centred Design
Data and the Web Manager
Looking back, through some very old things...