Dawn Ellis - IWMW2012
What Do You Really Want?
Ferdinand von Prondzynski - IWMW2012
Going Online - Do Universities Really Understand the Internet?
Tony Hirst - IWMW2012
Data Visualisation: A Taster
Rob Borley - IWMW2012
Do I Need an App for That?
Helen Sargan - IWMW2012
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Two Years of Running a Content Management Service
EA Draffan - IWMW2012
Beyond WCAG: Experiences in Implementing BS 8878
Andrew Oakley - IWMW2012
Key Information Set Data
Neil Allison - IWMW2012
Experiences in User Centred Design
Kevin Ashley - IWMW2012
Data and the Web Manager
ILM Sketchnotes
A selection of sketchnotes from a series of ILM sessions I did in work.
DISAG Day presentation sketchnotes
Collected sketchnotes from the DISAG Showcase
Team Meeting
Notes from a meeting
Slow! Project ahead
Mulling over, with the help of some alcohol, the process of building websites.
Strategic CSS Managment
My thoughts on the very interesting @media presentation on the managment of the css design process.
Pentrych Ride
At the bottom of a long drag of a hill that I tackled before work. It was far easier than I remembered it. Long, but a lot steeper in my mind. Once at the top there was a great fast bit, where I reached 50km/h and wasn’t stopping to take pictures The numbers for the ride: Distance 31km Time 1:21:01 Average speed 22.96 km/h
Abercynon through the trees
@media2005 Sketchnotes
Looking back, through some very old things on the site I found some drawings from @meda2005 - my first conference, and as I see now the start of me drawing during talks. This it what I wrote at the time.
You are here
a nice trip to the design museum
How to lie with maps
Began reading this for the opening chapters which explain very simply, the elements that maps are made of.
Post Modernist Graphics Mindmap
Last night’s lecture was about post modern graphics. We tried to get an understanding of where postmodernism came from and what it meant for the modernist way of doing things.