Port80 Summer Localhost 2012 Sketchnotes
I drew some sketchnotes at the Port80 Summer Localhost
Dawn Ellis - IWMW2012
What Do You Really Want?
Ferdinand von Prondzynski - IWMW2012
Going Online - Do Universities Really Understand the Internet?
Tony Hirst - IWMW2012
Data Visualisation: A Taster
Rob Borley - IWMW2012
Do I Need an App for That?
Helen Sargan - IWMW2012
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Two Years of Running a Content Management Service
EA Draffan - IWMW2012
Beyond WCAG: Experiences in Implementing BS 8878
Andrew Oakley - IWMW2012
Key Information Set Data
Neil Allison - IWMW2012
Experiences in User Centred Design
Kevin Ashley - IWMW2012
Data and the Web Manager
ILM Sketchnotes
A selection of sketchnotes from a series of ILM sessions I did in work.
DISAG Day presentation sketchnotes
Collected sketchnotes from the DISAG Showcase
Team Meeting
Notes from a meeting
Slow! Project ahead
Mulling over, with the help of some alcohol, the process of building websites.
Strategic CSS Managment
My thoughts on the very interesting @media presentation on the managment of the css design process.
Pentrych Ride
At the bottom of a long drag of a hill that I tackled before work. It was far easier than I remembered it. Long, but a lot steeper in my mind. Once at the top there was a great fast bit, where I reached 50km/h and wasn’t stopping to take pictures The numbers for the ride: Distance 31km Time 1:21:01 Average speed 22.96 km/h
Abercynon through the trees
@media2005 Sketchnotes
Looking back, through some very old things on the site I found some drawings from @meda2005 - my first conference, and as I see now the start of me drawing during talks. This it what I wrote at the time.
You are here
a nice trip to the design museum
How to lie with maps
Began reading this for the opening chapters which explain very simply, the elements that maps are made of.