Sketchnotes IWMW16 -Gareth Saunders
Tagged: Iwmw16 Iwmw Live | Posted: Wed, Jun 22, 2016

Establishing Digital at the Heart of the University
Gareth’s talk on establishing digital began with some familiar tales of restructuring, then some more and hopefully have settled on a structure that works. More importantly it seems, they have also jumped in with both feet (or however many feet the collective has) to DSDM Agile working - which excitingly is described as a ‘battle hardened approach’.
More change management here too! - this time the Kotter 8 Steps process for leading change. I noted that ‘Business as Usual’ as a phrase cropped up here and also later, describing the activity that doesn’t get logged as project work but is where lots of valuable work happens. The team at St Andrews also seem to have menaged to make a ‘Project Board’ work with Agile - mo mean feat considering the inherent inertia that can infect such committee structures.