Sketchnotes IWMW16 -Mandy Phillips
Tagged: Iwmw16 Iwmw Live | Posted: Thu, Jun 23, 2016

Working With External Partners
My favourite thing from this one was the super simple (but no doubt hard to do) aim to save a person an hours’ worth of work a day with IT. (I hope I’ve summarised that correctly), and the use of ‘Top Tasks’ to get started. I think there can be a tendency in university teams to assume that an agency will always be expensive and temporary. The relationship between LJMU and Mando seems to be more symbiotic than that, with the benefit to the University the ability to get stuff done in a timely fashion. The example was an iBeacons trial where the agency bore some of the costs and hence the risks to get a trial up and running to test it’s feasibility. Sounded like a very happy marriage.