Sketchnotes IWMW19 Plenary Talk 4 and Short Talks
Tagged: Iwmw19 Iwmw Live | Posted: Thu, Jun 27, 2019 approx. 1 min read

No, You Don’t Need a Website!
As in previous editions, A winning combination of delightful slides and fantastic opinions. Talking about the challenges of responding to the never ending requests for sites, Gareth came up with
Your website shouldn’t have more pages than students
That went down well, as did the idea of not allowing people to create pages. At first that sounds draconion, but the explanation is that people can still create content to be used and delivered properly, and for that to work effectively pages need to given the proper attention and value. All very thought provoking and sensible to me.
In addition to the clarion call for structured content, Gareth also made everything consider the way of thinking of those who’ve grown up with the Internet, and how it’s probably a really pressing (and good) thing to get younger people involved in the building these experiences.
Short Talks
Chris did a whistle stop tour of how the web works, and managed to cover a remarkable amount in such a short space of time - though he’s got form for that having produced a memorable talk previously.
Tales of Overcoming Bad Data, Well-Meaning Bosses and Users’ Barefaced Lies
Another Chris, this time with some interesting observations on the typical scenarios faced in building University Web sites. There were plenty of murmurs of recognition of the types of people and processes that make building website ‘challenging’.
Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket
Peter from Leeds gave a very honest tale of a tricky infrastructure disaster, which reminded me of our own disaster from year ago, and judging by the responses in the audience plenty of people would have similar war stories to tell.
The State of Web Content Management 2019
Marianne gave a roundup of the landscape of CMSs from an industry analyst perspective and touched on some of the developments coming down the line.